Advanced Nutrients Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra 1 liter

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Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra by Advanced Nutrients is an extra source of Calcium and Magnesium for your cannabis plants: You can easily use it in your purified water when growing in soil, hydroponics or coconut.

It also works perfectly to revive your plants if they’re missing any particular nutrient – you can easily spray it on your plants or use it when watering if you need to. Calcium and magnesium are extremely important for cannabis growing, and if your plants go without them their final yield will decrease quite a lot.

Signs of calcium/magnesium deficiencies tend to appear at around 4-5 weeks of indoor growing. If you use Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra once a week you’ll be able tokeep your plants in the best possible conditions.

Sometimes when you use these products on their own you can often cause excess Calcium due to a lack of Magnesium etc. – this is why we have this product available in dual format so that your plants get just the right dosage, and one doesn’t end up messing with the other’s levels.

You’ll need to add 2ml x liter of water once a week on healthy, green plants – if your plants are showing deficiency signs, repeat this process every time you water until they go back to their natural color.

If you’re spraying it, you’ll need to spray it during the growth period and first phase of the flowering period, about 2ml per liter of water a week.

Chemical composition of Sensi Cal-Mag Xtra by Advanced Nutrients:

- Nitrogen 4%
- Calcium 3.2%
- Magnesium 1.1%
- Iron 0.09%
- Manganese 0.5%
- Zinc 0.5%