TGA Subcool Ace of Spades Regular (5 seeds)

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Black Cherry Soda x Jack The Ripper

Black Cherry Soda x Jack The Ripper

This is another hybrid that combines lemon and berry in order to have that sweet and sour taste I like so much. Ace of Spades is also a very large variety with hearty thick heavy flowers. The outer leaves are a vibrant purple to blue with hints of coloring throughout. Many variations are extremely colorful with traces of pink and magenta. The smoke is smooth and soft on the throat with a slight berry and sandalwood flavor. The lemon is understated but still present. The high comes on fast and strong and is very upbeat almost giddy. The Indica Influence is felt later in the trip and transfers into an overall body stone. Very powerful medicine.

Phenotypes:  Line is very similar
Height:  Medium height with good stockiness
Yield:  Large

Indoor and Outdoor

Best way to grow:  Untopped, perfect for sog but top for height control
Harvest:  8 weeks
Sat/Ind:  30/70
Hybrid:  (Black Cherry Soda UNK) x Pluton x Purple Haze x Lambsbread x NL x Jack Herer x Romulan x Cindy99BCGA
Taste:  Skunk, berry, sandalwood, Dr. Zoggs Blue Sex Wax, head shops and lemon